Our Charity History

Hospitality and Hope is one of South Tyneside’s leading food insecurity, homelessness, and community wellbeing charities.

We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) governed by a Board of Trustees who bring extensive experience and significant influence on our work. Our Chief Executive Officer, staff, and volunteers work tirelessly, every day, to bring positive change to a community who are living in one of the most deprived areas in England.


Our work is focussed on prevention, supporting our community to develop the skills, experience and social capital needed to live their life, with an increased sense of hope for a positive and self-reliant future.

People sit at the heart of our work; our extensive insights and engagement work means that we truly understand the needs of our community and what will work best to bring positive change. We also bring their lived experience to our conversations with others to inform local policy making.

Collaboration, partnership working and our commitment to evidence-based practice are the cornerstones of our work.

Homegrown Charity!

Office Hours/Operation Centre Open:
Monday to Friday: 9am – 4pm

Hospitality & Hope

Our Vision at Hospitality & Hope is:- ‘For the Community of South Tyneside to live with an increased sense of hope for a positive and self-reliant future.’

South Tyneside Foodbank

Supported Housing


Community Shops

Click Here to Self-Refer

Support our foodbank through the Spareable App

We’ve partnered with the Spareable app to help support our foodbank here in South Tyneside.
Find and Download Spareable on Appstore & Google Play.

South Tyneside Foodbank Needs Your Support

Referrals to our foodbank in South Tyneside are continuing to rise.
More and More Individuals are struggling!

A year at Hospitality & Hope looks like

People Supported


of these being families with Children

Community Shops across South Tyneside

Lend a Hand at Our Charity

There are many ways in which you can volunteer for our charity here in South Shields, at a time to suit you…

Tonnes of food distributed through the foodbank

People attended a wellbeing activity

Visits to our community shops


Recovered in benefits and debts

How You Can Help

Donate items
If you would like to donate food & toiletries to Hospitality & Hope we would be grateful, also if any church, school, business or other organisations would like to collect food as a one off event or on a regular basis.
donate money

If you are in a position to support us financially, either by a one-off or regular donation, please do so by following the simple process below. You can also give directly by pressing the Donate button on any page.


We are always looking for people to join our family of volunteers here in South Shields & we have many ways you can help us too! Either in our Foodbanks, Community Hubs or as part of our Wellbeing Programme – a variety of roles to compliment your time and experience.

help in other ways

Our business volunteers tell us that they enjoy using their skills in different ways towards new challenges. There are lots of easy ways you can help, for example –

Food Collection points in the workspace.
Organising a Food Drive at your Event
Becoming your nominated charity!
Corporate Support and Fundraising.

Our Vision at Hospitality & Hope is ‘For the Community of South Tyneside to live with an increased sense of hope for a positive and self-reliant future.’

One of South Tyneside’s leading food insecurity, homelessness, and community wellbeing charities.

Our key Activities

  • Food Bank
  • Supported Housing
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Community Shops
  • Debt, Welfare and Advice
  • Influencing Others


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